Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

Publisher: Speak
Category: Young Adult
400 Pages

When Annabel, the youngest of three beautiful sisters, has a bitter falling out with her best friend-the popular and exciting Sophie-she suddenly finds herself isolated and friendless. But then she meets Owen-a loner, passionate about music and his weekly radio show, and always determined to tell the truth. And when they develop a friendship, Annabel is not only introduced to new music but is encouraged to listen to her own inner voice. With Owen's help, can Annabel find the courage to speak out about what exactly happened the night her friendship with Sophie came to a screeching halt?

This book is breath taking. It has amazing themes throughout the book like listen to yourself and self-healing. It's about a young woman, Annabel, learning to find her own voice against everything she's been feed her entire life.

Annabel is a very touching character. I'm sure we've all felt her doubt and her insecurity. I can really relate to her since I also for a long time had to learn to stand up for myself and for my opinions. Owen was probably my favorite character - he had an inhuman amount of honesty.

The reoccurring theme of music throughout the book is a nice touch. Dessen's right when she says through Owen that music has the possibility to bring anyone together. This book will pull you in.

I'm sorry if this review sucks but I'm really bored and tired all at once so that's made me a bit ADD...



  1. I reread this book a few weeks ago. And it is really good. I was a big fan of the music theme too. I'll have to try listening to music through a car wash soon. ;)

    I also enjoyed reading about the reconciliation with her sisters. That really struck home for me because I bicker with my little sister a lot.

    Sarah Dessen is a wonderful author. Each one of her books is very powerful in their own way.
    Have you read any of her other books? My favorite of all of them is Dreamland.

    Sarah :)

  2. Limerick - I want to. I'll probably pick them up when I go to the library again =)

  3. This is a great book, though honestly I prefer This Lullaby. The music theme there might be more obvious than that of Just Listen. Sarah Dessen's narrators all have great voices that teenagers can really relate to. Your reviews are pretty good :) And I love your
    "About Me", because basically that's the story of my book mania a well.
