Friday, July 3, 2009


I have family in town and they’re playing cards right now. So I decided to write a mini-review. Well, it’s more of an author feature really.
About two months ago, my friend Amanda (the owner of Nocturnal Reviews ) went to the library. She handed me two books by Julie Anne Peters - Luna and Keeping You A Secret. I’d tried to read Luna a few years ago and couldn’t get into but I had read Define Normal.
No one, and I mean no one, can write about real-world problems like she can. Keeping You A Secret was a very good book that deals with a young woman discovering that she’s a lesbian and how the people around her deal with it. To me, it was hard to find a single bad thing about the novel - other then I want to know what happened down the line with the lead character and her girlfriend.
As good as Keeping You A Secret was, Luna touched my soul. I cried a couple times in this book. This book deals with a real touchy subject - Transexuality (according to my computer, I just made up a new word). While Liam aka Luna irritated me to no end with how self centered he was at times, it was just a part of his insecurity. Reading this story through his sisters eyes was a really touching experience adding to the realness.
I’ll definitely be going after the other books by her. I love her writing style and think that everyone should read at least one of her books.

~ Megan

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