Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Because I Am Furniture

Because I am Furniture by Thalia Chaltas

Publisher: Viking
365 pages
Age group: Young Adult

Anke's father is abusive. But not to her. He attacks her brother and sister, but she is ignored, forced to be an invisible witness in a house of horrors. Believing she isn't worthy of even the worst kind of attention, Anke feels about as significant as the living room sofa. Until she makes the volleyball team at school. In a sport where you have to yell "Mine!" to play the ball, Anke learns for the first time how to make herself heard. As her confidence on the court builds, she finds a voice she didn't know existed. And it's not long before she realizes that if she can make people hear her while she's playing volleyball, then maybe she can be heard at home, too.

When Amanda handed me her copy of this book I remember going "I am not reading this. I've read Crank and am not reading anymore books like it." I'm really glad I changed my mind. I fell in love with the story. Even for those of us who have never felt as Anke has, Chaltas helps you to understand how she feels. You'll get drawn in.

For those of you who don't like poems, give it a chance. By the time I was halfway through the book I forgot I was even reading poems. I recommend reading this at least once, although I know I'll be reading it again.

Four out of five stars.

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