Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Evernight by Claudia Gray (Amy Vincent)

Category: Young Adult
Publisher: HarperTeen
327 Pages

I picked up Evernight out of sheer curiosity. When I first opened it, the format reminded me of Twilight which made me groan. I hoped that it wasn’t a Twilight clone. It wasn't - and it's now one of my all time favorite books.
I loved Bianca. I'd love to meet a girl like her - she had inner strength but also had that doubting voice in her head that most people do. Lucas was also a strong character – I loved how all the tiny seemingly unimportant stuff you learn about him turns out to be important at the end.

The writing is amazing. Gray wrote a nicely paced book that really held my attention. The romance between Bianca and Lucas was realistically written. Instant attraction that turned into love over time. I was, excuse the pun, sucked in by every aspect of this book. I even read in the car which is something that makes me feel really nauseous.

My only problem with the story is how that when Bianca bit Lucas, it turns out that she’s known she was a vampire the entire story.If the reader is anything like me at this point, their glaring at the book wondering how in the world this wasn’t mentioned before. I think Gray was implying that since Bianca had heard it all her life she didn’t really think about it anymore. Other then that, I can’t make a single complaint about this book.

Overall, I’d recommend this to anyone and everyone. Even if you don’t want to even touch a vampire story, this book has something in it for you. Gray manages to capture every emotion perfectly, even the sexual tension, without going overboard with it. I wish I would have bought the sequel,Stargazer, when I bought this.

Five out of five stars or A+


  1. I have heard a lot of good things about this book!I really should check it out. :) Great review!

  2. Ooh, your review makes me want to read this. After I exhausted myself with the whole Twilight phenomena I got sick of all other vamp stories. But hopefully this'll be different!
