Friday, July 24, 2009

Stargazer by Claudia Gray

Stargazer by Claudia Gray

Series: Evernight
Publisher: Harper Teen
Category: Young Adult
336 Pages

Stargazer (March 2009) returns to Bianca's story a few months later. Both she and Lucas will stop at nothing to see each other again—even if it means living a life of secrets and lies. But even as Bianca finds herself torn between two worlds, she soon discovers they aren't the only ones keeping secrets. Will powerful forces within Evernight Academy keep her from deciding her own fate, or claim her forever?

I loved Evernight. Stargazer didn't quiet live up to Evernight for me. The story line just didn't pull me in as much. Also I have some issues with the cover.

The plot is fantastic. In this book Evernight Academy gets new 'guests' - wraiths (ghosts). These ghosts hold the key of Bianca's existence. Also in Stargazer Bianca begins to decide her own fate. More people need to take charge like Bianca does.

Bianca is still a real likable. I can't say much about her this time since it'd spoil the plot. Lucas is a real jerk this time. He seems to be letting other people make his choices for him. Balthazar was awesome this time around. He's such a complex character (and I love me some complex characters!).

While this book was only decent it lets me believe that Hourglass will be amazing. I'm real excited for Hourglass. Look at that cover - gorgeous! If you liked Evernight, make sure you pick up Stargazer.



1 comment:

  1. Awesome review!
    I love evernight series, i haven't read this one yet. I really want 2 know what's going 2 happen 2 Lucas and Bianca.

    Balthazar is HOT lol
