Friday, July 24, 2009

For the next week

I'm going on 'vacation' next week. Well, it's really Church Camp. I wish I wouldn't have signed up to go since I hate things like this... I couldn't totally do ALA or BEA since I can probably discuss books for ages, but camp? I'm a very relaxed Christian so I doubt I'll get along with everyone. I hope I manage *le sigh*

I leave Sunday and I should be back late Friday/Saturday morning. I will have my cell on me, but I have no idea if I'll have signal or not. If you want to reach me while I'm gone it can be done by emailing me at or

Also I made a MySpace for this blog (don't shoot me!) which can be found here. I also just got a copy of Suite Scarlett that I won from What Bri Reads <3

Eh, I gotta run. My boyfriend is rushing me. =)


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