Monday, August 3, 2009

In My Mailbox// Home!

Okay, so this shouldn't be called In My Mailbox (which brought to you by Kristen) at all. It should be "From My Library", but eh. I picked up six books that I've had on my list to read for a while now. The September Sisters, I Know It's Over, Godmother: A Secret Cinderella Story, I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone, Beastly, and Saving Juliet.

I'm home at last! Camp was amazing - I'm so glad I went. I think everyone needs to get involved in a church now - or something religious. It was a real eye-opener. Yesterday was my mom's birthday too. It's been a busy week already! I'm hanging out with Amanda today so I'll pick up a book later on =)


  1. Can't wait for your review for I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone... I've heard good things about it!

    I loved the September Sisters... hope you enjoy it!

  2. Great to see you back! I've been busy too, school starts up for us next week. :P

    But I'm looking forward to these reviews. Namely Saving Juliet and I Wanna Be Your Joey Romance. I have to get Ballads of Suburbia soon.

    Happy reading!
