Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pure by Terra Elan McVoy

Pure by Terra Elan McVoy


329 Pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Categorey: Young Adult

I recently joined a site called PulseIt
which is where Simon & Schuster allows readers ages 14-18 read free books as long as they review it. This book had about thirty days left before they took it off so I decided to read Pure.

At first I regretted picking this up going ‘Oh great, a Christian book that’s going to shove morals down my throat‘. At first, that’s what it was. The first thirty pages seem like they should have been condensed a bit. Or maybe it’s because I was reading it online.

Once the plot picked up, the story got a lot better. A couple of friendships are destroyed when one member of the Christian group decides to have sex. To Tabitha, the main character, it’s more complicated then that. It shakes her very faith a little bit. It’s better then it sounds really. Also, the ending was fantastic.

I loved Tabitha as a character. I understood her doubts and struggles with her faith. She’s a real charming character really - I loved being in her head. Her parents and Cara are also real interesting characters. Morgan…. Ugh. I hated Morgan’s character. You’re made to dislike her in the story but I began to hate her. I kept hoping Tab would punch her. She’s the kind of character that throws a fit if she doesn’t get her way.

Overall this was a really adorable story. It’s not my normal kind of thing, but I liked it. I’m going to buy a copy of it as soon as I get the money.

4 out of 5 stars


  1. Hmm, I suppose my comment didn't go through the first time?

    Strange...But here is the gist of it:

    I hated Megan too. Even after she redeemed herself to Tab at the end. Her rich girl, always get what she wants persona was so annoying.

    And thanks for adding me! My review should be out in the next two days.


  2. Hey thanks so much for the terrific review! I'm so glad you were able to get in to the book, and that you liked Tabitha so much! Appreciatively, Terra Elan McVoy
