Friday, August 7, 2009

I Know It's Over by C.K. Kelly Martin

I Know It's Over by C.K. Kelly Martin

Publisher: Random House
Category: Young Adult
244 Pages

Pure. Unplanned. Perfect. Those were Nick's summer plans before Sasha stepped into the picture. With the collateral damage from his parent's divorce still settling and Dani (his girl of the moment) up for nearly anything, complications are the last thing he needs.

All that changes, though, when Nick runs into Sasha at the beach in July. Suddenly he's neck-deep in a relationship and surprised to find he doesn't mind in the least. But Nick's world shifts again when Sasha breaks up with him. Then weeks later, while Nick's still reeling from the breakup, she turns up at his doorstep and tells him she's pregnant, and with his emotions and hopes crashing in around him, Nick finds himself struggling once more to understand the girl he can't stop caring for, the girl who insists that it's still over.

This book was really interesting. The cover doesn't do the story justice at all. I hadn't head much about this book when I picked it up. I knew it was a romance story. Nick was a triple threat - good looking, athletic, and actually used his brain. Sasha was the smart and sassy girl that could put him on his butt so fast he couldn't see straight. One day, Sasha leaves him. Then three weeks later she shows up and tells him that she's pregnant. Oh boy.

Nick was amazing. This is one of the first teen books I've read for a while from a guy's point of view. He made me smile throughout the book. Sasha on the other hand - I wanted to smack her so hard throughout the book. She's book smart, but outside school I just couldn't see it.

This is going to be real nit-picky, but I'll try not to spoil anything. Why were the only two options keeping the baby or aborting it? Where's the choice for adoption? I just thought Martin should have made that a choice too.

The story can be long and drawn out at times. It gets dull sometimes. This story will pull at your heart strings constantly.



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